Has your life ever moved so fast past you that everything feels
People screaming at home
People laughing as loud as possibly in the hallway
Cars driving past as head lights flash in your eyes one by one
Every thought in your mind about your life deafening you at once.
Until your body feels immobile.
I have felt this feeling so often that it's normal.
I know it's weird but I can't explain it
I just do it.
Stillness is everywhere.
As I sit in the hallway all of us together but not a word shared, we all sit drifting into our own worlds.
As people go running down the hallway
I can't stop myself from staring, no one noticing as if they don't even know where they are.
not moving an inch, not worrying about the next class.
just breathing.
I get in these moods were any motion in my body feels unnatural
Laying on my bed with only the hard comforter, while the hue of colour on my wall fills my room as the sun reflects on it.
The sensation of feeling the air fill your lungs and the satisfaction of it leaving your body.
coming together as one.