June: Website is under-construction

Saturday, 31 January 2015

Film Stills: Sad Hours

Sad Hours

Moments of my life I cant hide. The rush of emotions come faster and faster 
faster and faster and faster
Until I can't control it, I want it to go away but it feels like time stops.
The faster the emotions come, the slower the clock ticks.
 It does go away, but never fully.
I always hear the clock ticking.

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Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Rewind, Pause, Fast forward: Accept Tears

 Pause ▌▌

Accept Tear
January is the month for the ''new you'' 
"The first chapter of a new book'' its going to be "your" year. But to be fully honest I always fall back into my old ways. January is dull, the sky is concealed with an airy blanket of fog and my life is full of overcast. The earth is disguised to those who don't want accept it. I'm often brought to tears easily by things, I have admitted to my myself that I am a crybaby. To me being a crybaby is really just accepting emotions.
accept, accept, accept

Babies don't feel ashamed of feeling, its a way of communication. No matter where you are from, the sight of a glistened tear is one of the strongest non verbal cue. We are connected by our feelings, I don't feel the need to restrict my self from being connected to emotions and the rest of the world. But I do fear it. Teenage tears can be the worst.

Still From: All the Right Noises

 The realization that at any moment someone can drown you in your own tears, but worst of all you can submerge yourself in a watery grave of your own sadness. But I want to face my fears, I don't want to waste time missing out on the connection, but I also don't want to suffocate in my own tears.

I just remember to be fully submerged in that moment. 
Feel the way it drips down my face. 
The warmth of my cheeks.

I just want to accept 
accept, accept, accept

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Sunday, 11 January 2015

SoundTrack: Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Heaven Know I'm Miserable Now

"Everyday is like Sunday", the wise words of Morrissey. Everyday I look of into space , out a window , at the ceiling or I gaze at the school florescent lights. Life can be mundane, silent and grey. You can spend your days looking for meaning in every movement in every thing. The way the snow moves with the wind, how the lights flicker as if there trying to send me a message ( or is that just me?). I am brought to tears, so often it feels comfortable. "Why does it feel so good to be sad?". Teenage tears can hurt the most, the sting, the red eyes, stained cheeks and the familiar taste of salty tears as they greet your chapped lips. The only thing that is certain is that "Heaven knows i'm miserable now" (more wise words from Morrissey) 

                                                                    Mundane days: by Aaliyah Reynolds

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Definition: CryBaby

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